DELF / DALF tout public

Diplôme d’Etudes en Langue Française (DELF) and Diplôme Approfondi de Langue Française (DALF)

The DELF and DALF diplomas are intended for foreign candidates and French nationals from a non-French-speaking country who do not hold a French secondary or higher education diploma. DELF and DALF are independent: candidates can therefore sit for the exam of their choice.

Time schedule of the exam :

Level Collective parts Individual parts
A1 10h00-11h20

The individual events will take place compulsorily after the collective events. Depending on the number of candidates, they may take place the day after the group tests or later.

A2 14h00-15h40
B1 10h00-11h45
B2 14h00-16h30
C1 9h00-13h00
C2 14h30-18h00
When to sit the exam ?

Year round. Our centre participates in all sessions on the national calendar.

Center Exams date Register before
Rouen 10th to 19th January 2024 8th December 2023
Rouen & le Havre & Caen 7th to 16th February 2024 5th January 2024
Rouen & Cherbourg 13th to 22th March 2024 9th February 2024
Rouen 22th to 31th May 2024 19th April 2024
Rouen 5th to 14th June 2024 3th May 2024
Rouen & le Havre & Caen 3th to 12th July 2024 31th May 2024
Rouen & Cherbourg 21th to 30th August 2024 11th July 2024
Rouen & le Havre & Caen 2th to 11th October 2024 30th August 2024
Rouen & Cherbourg 6th to 15th November 2024 4th October 2024
Rouen & Cherbourg & le Havre 4th to 13th December 2024 31th October 2024


  Tout public
A1 / A2 115 €
B1 165 €
B2 170 €
C1 175 €
C2 180 €
Price : 115,00 € 115,00 €
Start date
Texte personnalisé
Texte personnalisé